Terms & Services

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Terms & Conditions

Updated at 2021-09-01

We, PT Unzyp Solusi Teknologi, is a limited liability company established under the Laws of Indonesia, in this Terms and Conditions ("T&C") is referred to as the First Party. You are referred to as the Second Party under this Terms and Conditions. The First Party and Second Party are collectively referred to as the Parties and respectively as a Party.

The First Party on its own absolute discretion, has the right to amend, alter, or adding the T&C at all times (subject to the law) with unlimited revisions and without any limit by displaying the revised T&C (https://cloud.unzypsoft.com/en/tos) , provided that the First Party has sent a prior notification within seven (7) calendar days ("Notification Period") or any Notification Period agreed by the First Party and the Second Party in writing before the effective date of such change, modification, or addition takes place through electronic mail or any other form of writing. After receiving such notification from the First Party, the Second Party has the right to immediately terminate the Service Agreement ("Agreement"") with the First Party by sending a written notification to the First Party during the Notification Period for the purpose of terminating the Agreement. After the expiry of Notification Period and as long as there is no further notification received by the First Party, the Second Party hereby agrees to accept and be bound to the amendments, changes, or additions made to this T&C. The amended, changed, or added T&C will replace all of its previous versions.

By using the services and features of the First Party, the Second Party hereby agrees to accept and be subject to the Privacy Policy of the First Party that can be accessed here https://cloud.unzypsoft.com/en/privacy ("Privacy Policy")

This T&C is an integrated part of the Agreement and shall not be construed separately, unless otherwise specifically stipulated under this T&C and/or the Agreement.

1. Definitions

  1. Agreement – means this Terms and Conditions;
  2. Unzyp Cloud – means the brand name of our service provider in form of Application;
  3. Application – means the software product of accounting, finance, inventory, sales, human resources, and operational management provided by (and may be changed or updated from time to time) by Unzyp Cloud;
  4. Dashboard – means a web-based reporting platform provided by the Unzyp Cloud to the User and Additional User.
  5. Access Fee – means the monthly fee (excluding taxes) that You are obliged to pay in accordance with the fee terms listed on the Website or Unzyp Cloud Application (where Unzyp Cloud may change from time to time without your knowledge);
  6. Confidential Information – includes every information communicated between the Parties hereto, either in writing, electronic forms, or in verbal, including in this Application, but excluding any information that has or will become public domain, except those that have been disclosed and leaked without rights by the user or others illegally;
  7. Data – means any data you enter or entered with your authority to the Application;
  8. Intellectual Property Rights – means the patents, trademarks, service or application mark, copyright, rights on design, knowledge, or any other intellectual property rights or any other industry either those that are registered or unregistered;
  9. Payment Receipt – means the service that uses financial service from a Third Party.
  10. User – means a person, either on behalf of personal name, organization, or any other agency, who signed up to use the Application;
  11. Additional User – means any other person or agency, besides the User, that uses the Application from time to time with the User’s consent;
  12. Content – means all texts, photos, pictures, illustrations, graphics, sound recordings, videos, audio-video clips, and any other content that you upload, installed on or through Unzyp Cloud by using the Application that we provide to you.
  13. Customer – means every party that receives the content from the User for any purpose but not limited to (1) make a purchase of goods and/or service provided by the User. (2) making a payment through Payment Receipt feature.
  14. Payment Service Provider – means a third party payment service provider that cooperates with Unzyp Cloud to process, transmit, and facilitates payment methods on Unzyp Cloud.
  15. You – means the User or Additional User;

2. Use of Application

Unzyp Cloud provides you with the right to access and use Unzyp Cloud Application through the our Website and Application with the usage role assigned for you, in accordance with the type of menu that you choose. This right is non-exclusive, non-transferable, and limited by and subject to this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree, subject to any applicable written agreement between the User and Additional user, or any other prevailing laws.

  • That it is the responsibility of the User to determine who receives access as the Additional User and their roles and rights that they have to access the data type that you own;
  • That it is the responsibility of the User for every use of Application by the Additional User;
  • That it is the responsibility of the User to control every access level of the Additional User to the relevant organization and Application at all times, and the User can revoke or change the access or access level of the Additional User any time, for any reason, in any case;
  • For any disputes between the User and Additional User regarding access to any organization or Application, the User must make the decision and adjusts the access or access level to the Data or Application that the Additional User will have, if available.
  • You are hereby understood that Unzyp Cloud and Payment Receipt shall only receive 1 (one) email address to be used and registered for 1 (one) account. The User may update their email address saved on Unzyp Cloud by changing the email address on the account settings page.

3. Payment Receipt Terms of Service

You understand and acknowledge that Unzyp Cloud is not responsible for any payment claim or refund requested by the Customer in relation to the transaction of Goods and/or Service either those that are made through Unzyp Cloud or outside of Unzyp Cloud.

You agree and acknowledge that Unzyp Cloud is not a party in any transaction or agreement between you or any other User or Customer or any other party outside of Unzyp Cloud. You understand that Unzyp Cloud currently does not have escrow account facility. The User hereby agrees to not file a claim or suit of any kind to Unzyp Cloud for every failure of delivery of Goods and/or Services that have been paid by the Customer. The Customer afterward agree that Unzyp Cloud is not responsible to issue any refunds for the amount of money that have been paid for the Goods purchased from, and/or Service provided by any User. The User hereby also agrees to not file a claim or suit of any kind to Unzyp Cloud for every payment that is not made by the Customer, for the Goods and/or Services that have been delivered or provided by the User to the Customer.

You hereby acknowledge and agree that Unzyp Cloud is not responsible for any losses, damage, or claims that may arise out of transaction, where we have no control for the quality and accuracy of the Goods and/or Services from the User that are contracted with you through Unzyp Cloud, including but not limited to the losses, damage, or claim that may arise out of fraud or any malicious behavior by the User or Customer in a transaction.

Unzyp Cloud will cooperate with Payment Service Provider in facilitating any payment made on Unzyp Cloud. You acknowledge and understand that Unzyp Cloud shall not in any way withhold the payment made by the Customer, or be obligated to receive every permissions required to process or facilitate the payment. By submitting your payment information on Unzyp Cloud, you provide consent to Unzyp Cloud to provide such information to our Payment Service Provider to facilitate the payment. You acknowledge and understand that you may be subject to additional applicable terms and conditions of the said Payment Service Provider, and we recommend you to review and examine the terms and conditions of the said Payment Service Provider.

You agree and acknowledge that you shall follow the rules for duration of payment period and service charge payment that are specified in the Payment Receipt page (https://cloud.unzypsoft.com/en/payment).

You agree and acknowledge that Unzyp Cloud or the Third Party Payment may encounter unintended failures, issues, or technical breakdown in forwarding, processing or transmitting the payment made by the Customer to the bank account or your electronic wallet In such instance, You agree and promise not to file a claim or suit in any kind to use for every and all damage and loss (including but not limited to loss of money, reputation, profit, or any other intangible losses) which may arise directly or indirectly out of the delay of payment disbursement.

4. Fund Transfer Service

Every Fund Transfer Service made or will be made by the User shall always be subject to the following terms:

  1. The instruction to issue a fund transfer can only be carried out by the User to the Unzyp Cloud by manually requesting the disbursement of funds on the Dashboard. Unzyp Cloud is not obligated to carry out Fund Transfer on behalf of the User if the Fund Transfer instruction is not in accordance with the this T&C 4.1.
  2. Every instruction received to carry out fund transfer sent out by requesting the disbursement of funds through the Dashboard shall be deemed final and cannot be canceled at the time of the transfer. The time stamp displayed in the Dashboard shall be a conclusive evidence of the time when such request was made.
  3. In any circumstances, Unzyp Cloud is not obligated to carry out fund transfer on behalf of the User unless and until the balance credit of the User is equal with or exceed the amount of fund requested by the User and the service charge of such fund transfer, as described in the Payment Receipt Page (https://cloud.unzypsoft.com/en/tos).
  4. If the balance credit of the User is equal with or exceeds the amount of fund transfer requested by the User and the service charge of such fund transfer as described in T&C 3, Unzyp Cloud shall carry out the fund transfer (in the event of such fund transfer request is made at 15:00 hours on a weekday or if such fund transfer request is made after 15.00 hours on a weekday or if such fund transfer request is made after 15.00 hours on a weekday and the amount of the requested fund is less than Rp 50 million) at 23.59 hours on the same weekday and (in the event of requested fund is more than Rp 50 million and if the such fund transfer request is made at 15:00 hours on a weekday or if such fund transfer request is made on a non-weekday) at 23.59 hours on the following weekday PROVIDED THAT Unzyp Cloud shall never be deemed of violating this T&C 4.4 and the Payment Service Provider shall never be held responsible for any Loss that may arise for the User as the result of the delay or failure of Unzyp Cloud or the Payment Service Provider to make the fund transfer (either directly or indirectly) as the result of the error, failure, damage, delay or any other incident that may arise outside of the control of Unzyp Cloud or Payment Service Provider (including, but not limited to, technical failure, infrastructure failure, or any failure to the banking and financial transmission system).
  5. The fund transfer is deemed completed by Unzyp Cloud when the Dashboard display a message that such transaction is "COMPLETED" or "SELESAI".

5. Content

Whenever you use every feature and/or service available on Unzyp Cloud, including for the purpose of promotion, installation, request, transmission, upload of Your Goods and/or Services or for providing any content, You agree to not do or attempt to:

  • Violate proprietary marks, copyright, trademarks, privacy rights, publicity rights, trade secret rights, confidentiality rights, contract rights, or any other rights for every individual, either of those who are still alive or dead, or any other entity;
  • Use inappropriate or insulting language. Inappropriate or insulting language shall include but not limited to everything that contains sexual, rude, slander, explicit, vulgar, indecent, hateful or that contains materials with the nature of race, ethnicity, or inappropriate in any kind of form;
  • Upload any picture, video or any other content that displays racism, discrimination, degrading, harassment, explicit, threatening or any other behavior that is contradictory with the social values and norms, prevailing laws and regulations, as well as the policy stipulated by Unzyp Cloud;
  • Upload or using every content that advertise or promotes any site, mobile app, and/or other media besides Unzyp Cloud;
  • Harass or personally attack any other person, including but not limited to any action that violates the law, dangerous, threatening, rude, harassing, slander, explicit, vulgar, indecent, hateful and racist, ethnicity, or any action that is objectionable or not allowed, or any other action that could potentially cause a conflict to any individual, group, or agency that could potentially cause unfair competition;
  • Encourage illegal acts, violating the rights of others or violating the prevailing local, national or international laws;
  • Use any content that has been protected by copyright or trademarks or protected by other applicable intellectual property rights, unless you are the owner of such material or has the suitable license or authorization; and
  • Display any sexual or offensive picture.

Unzyp Cloud reserves the right to take action for any of violations above, including without limitation to deletion of the forbidden content, and blocking the account of the related User.

  1. The User hereby represents and warrants that every content uploaded or installed on the Applications of Unzyp Cloud is not categorized as the forbidden content as stipulated in item 1 above or does not violate the ownership rights or any other intellectual property rights If any content uploaded by the User is found to violate the restrictions stipulated in the item 1 above, or if there are any reports for violation of any other rights, Unzyp Cloud reserves the rights to take necessary action to remedy such violation, including but not limited to deleting the content and taking any other action considered necessary by Unzyp Cloud on its sole discretion.
  2. By uploading or installing any content to Unzyp Cloud, you have agreed to provide Unzyp Cloud non-exclusive, globally applicable, continuous, irrevocable, royalty-free, and licensable (in several levels) rights, to apply every and all copyright, publicity rights, trademarks, database rights, and intellectual property rights owned by the User for the Content, in any form of media currently known or in the future. Subsequently, as long as permissible by the prevailing laws, you hereby revoke any moral rights for such Content and shall promise not to file any claim or suit for such moral rights against Unzyp Cloud.
  3. The User represents and warrants that every Content uploaded on installed onto the Unzyp Cloud Applications does not violate any intellectual property rights of any third party. Every User hereby agrees to be hold responsible personally for every infringement of intellectual property rights of a third party arising out of every Content uploaded or installed on the Unzyp Cloud Applications by the User.
  4. The User has full responsibility to every Content uploaded and/or shared through Unzyp Cloud, and we shall not, in any way or in any form, be hold responsible for every mistaken description that may be provided by the User or any other party on Unzyp Cloud
  5. Unzyp Cloud reserve the right to, from time to time, delete any Content uploaded and/or installed on Unzyp Cloud, which according to Unzyp Cloud violates this Terms and Conditions and prevailing laws and regulations, including applicable regulations and ethic codes of advertising.
  6. As long as permissible by the Google Play Store Policy and/or App Store Review Guidelines (as applicable), sales of tobacco products and/or electric cigarettes are only allowed to be sold in the following 6 (six) categories:
    • Electric cigarettes Category (e-cigarettes);
    • Vape Liquid Category;
    • Vaporizer Package Category;
    • MOD Category; and/or
    • Atomizer Category
    • Other Adult Products Category;
  7. Unzyp Cloud reserve the rights, from time to time and without prior notice, deletes any Content that sells electric cigarettes, e-cigarette devices, e-cigarette liquid, and/or any other tobacco-containing product, from Unzyp Cloud, including but not limited to tobacco cigarettes, nicotine-containing products, vape liquid, mod, pod, HeatStick, vaporizer and/or electronic/electric cigarettes (e-cigarettes), referring to the policy of Google Play Store, or any other marketplace application where Unzyp Cloud may be available for at current date or at later date (including but not limited to App Store, as applicable).
  8. The User is also required to comply with the policy and prohibition of Google Play Store and also App Store Review Guidelines at all times and/or every other marketplace where Unzyp Cloud may be available currently or at later date (as applicable) related to the contents that are forbidden or restricted.

6. Forbidden Goods and Services

The following Goods and Services are forbidden and/or limited for sales by the User to the Customer on Unzyp Cloud:

  1. Any type of drugs and other substances of which circulation are forbidden or restricted by prevailing laws and regulations, including but not limited to Narcotics Law, Psychotropic Law and Health Laws in Indonesia. Included in this provision are aphrodisiac, the drugs requiring prescription from doctors, anesthetic and any similar drug, or any drug that does not have or has not received the marketing authorization from National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Indonesia (BPOM).
  2. Any cosmetics and food and beverages that could endanger the health of the consumer, or does not have or has not received the marketing authorization from National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Indonesia (BPOM).
  3. Any material classified as dangerous materials under the applicable Regulation of Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia.
  4. Certain products that are required to have (a) Indonesia National Standard, (b) instruction manual in Indonesian Language, or (c) label in Indonesian Language, where such products have been sold without having such rights.
  5. Any other Goods of which possession and distribution of it violates the applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia.
  6. Goods that violate copyright, including but not limited to every media in form of books, CD, DVD, VCD, electronic information and/or documents, and every other media that violates the Indonesian Copyright Law.
  7. Adult sexual aid, including but not limited to stimulant drug, sexual aid that contains pornographic content, and any other similar drugs, either those that have or does not have the marketing authorization from National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Indonesia (BPOM), and irrespective of whether distribution of such drug or goods have been banned by the prevailing laws and regulations or not.
  8. Alcoholic beverages.
  9. Advertising
  10. Any type of writing with negative impacts to the usage of Unzyp Cloud.
  11. Firearm, sharp weapon, air rifle and any other weapon in any form.
  12. Used Clothing
  13. Government and travel documents
  14. Government Official Uniform
  15. Body part / human organ
  16. Name and address list (mailing list) and personal information.
  17. Goods and/or Services that harasses any particular party(-ies) or race(s) or could demean others.
  18. Pesticide
  19. Police Attributes
  20. Stolen Goods
  21. Unlocker and any supporting accessory fro robbery and thievery acts.
  22. Inflammable, burnable, or explosive goods.
  23. Printed or recorded goods of which contain can interfere with security and order as well as national stability.
  24. Animals
  25. Cash, including foreign exchange, unless the Seller has and can show its license as the Non-bank Money Changers under the Bank of Indonesia Regulation No.18/20/PBI/2016 and/or any other regulation related to money changer business.
  26. Duty Stamp
  27. Signal scrambler, jammer, and/or any other tools that could interfere the signals or telecommunication network.
  28. Gambling tools and equipment
  29. Talisman and any other goods claimed to have mystical power and giving magical power, diplomas, prescription, invoices and any other similar documents.
  30. Goods with exclusive distribution rights which are only traded through direct selling system by the official seller and/or Goods which are traded with multi-level marketing system.
  31. Official document such as TOEFL certificate, diplomas, prescriptions, invoices and any other similar documents.
  32. Any other Goods that violates the applicable laws and regulations on delivery of goods in Indonesia.
  33. Any other Goods that violates the applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia.
  34. Any other Goods and/or Services that contains gambling, lottery, and/or betting contents.

Aside from the forbidden and/or restricted Goods and Services above, the User shall also always comply with the policy and prohibition of Google Play Store and App Store Review Guidelines (as applicable), and every prevailing laws and regulations.

7. Your Obligation

  1. Payment Obligation:

    An invoice for Access Fee shall be issued every month, starting from the first month from the date you start your subscription to Unzyp Cloud Application. Every invoice shall include Access Fee for the one-month period for the previous month. Unzyp Cloud shall keep issuing the invoices for you every month until this agreement is terminated.

    Every invoice from Unzyp Cloud shall be sent to you or to the billing contact that you have provided, via email. You shall make the payment in full amount as specified in your invoice before the due date of the invoice, which shall be settled within 7 (seven) days after the date of the invoice is sent by Unzyp Cloud. You have the responsibility for the payment of the taxes and any other fees added to the Access Fee. You are also asked to keep a copy of proof of transaction. If the menu stops before the payment is made, we shall reactivate the menu within 2 (two) days of weekdays.

  2. General Obligation:

    You shall ensure that you only use the Application and internal business Application for your business properly and legally, with the Terms and Conditions and notification announced by Unzyp Cloud or the terms described in the Application. You may use the Application and Application on behalf of another person or agency, or to provide a menu for them, but you shall ensure that you have the full authority to do so, and every party that receives the Application from you will comply with and agree to all terms of this Agreement that also applies to you;

  3. Access Requirement :

    You shall ensure that all user names and passwords required to access the Unzyp Cloud Application are stored safely and secretly. You must notify Unzyp Cloud immediately for any unauthorized usage of your password, or any other safety breaches, and Unzyp Cloud will reset your password, and you must make all other endeavors deemed important by Unzyp Cloud to maintain and improve the security of the computer system and network of Unzyp Cloud, and your access to our Application.

    As the requirements for this provision, when accessing and using Unzyp Cloud Application, you shall:

    • not attempt to weaken the security or integrity of the computer system or network of Unzyp Cloud, or if the Application is provided by third parties, the computer system and network of such third parties;

    • not use or misuse the Unzyp Cloud Application in any way that could hamper the performance of other users to use the Application or Application;

    • not attempt to gain illegal access for any material aside from those that have been clearly expressed that you have the access to, or to access our computer system where the Application is provided;

    • not send or submit to the Application: any file that could damage the computer tools or software of others, materials that could demean, or materials or Data that infringes any law (including Data or any other materials that are protected by copyright or trade secret where you have no right to use);

    • not attempt to change, copy, imitate, take apart, or reverse engineering for any computer programs used to provide Unzyp Cloud Application, or use the Application outside of the intended and meant for.

  4. Usage Limitation :

    The use of Unzyp Cloud Application may be limited to cover, but not limited to, monthly transaction volume and the number of calls you are allowed to use by calling the programming interface of Unzyp Cloud Application. If available, such limitations shall be determined and stated to the related Application.

  5. Communication Requirement :

    As a requirement for this provision, if you use any communication tools available via the Application (such as forums and chat rooms), you agree to use such communication tools for valid purposes. You shall not use the communication tools to post or share any materials that are not related to the use of the Menu, including (but not limited to): offering goods and services to be sold, unsolicited or unwanted commercial emails, file that could damage the computer tools or software of others, materials that could demean the user of the Application or other Application, or materials that violate the laws (including materials that are protected by copyright or trade secret where you have no right to use).

    When you make any kind of communication on the Application, you warrant that you are authorized to make such communication. Unzyp Cloud is not obliged to ensure that the communication made on the Application is valid and correct, or that they are only related to the use of Menu. Unzyp Cloud reserve the right to delete any communication at all times on its own discretion.

  6. Responsibility for Compensation :

    You shall indemnify Unzyp Cloud from all: claims, suits, compensation, damage, and loss arising out of your infringement to the Terms and Conditions described in this Agreement, or any other obligation you may have to Unzyp Cloud, including (but not limited to) any kind of fees related to the collection of Access Fee that has been due but have not paid.

8. Intellectual Property

Ownership and all Intellectual Property Rights applied on the Menu, Application, and any documentation related to the Application shall remain as the property of Unzyp Cloud.

Ownership and all Intellectual Property Rights applied on the Data shall remain as your property. However, access to your Data shall depend on the settlement of Unzyp Cloud Access Fee when the invoice is due. You provide the rights to Unzyp Cloud to use, copy, send, store, and make backups for Your information and Data for the purpose and the objective to provide You access to and to be able to use Unzyp Cloud Application, or for any other purposes related to providing our menu to You.

You are highly recommended to store a copy of Your Data you have entered to Unzyp Cloud Application. Unzyp Cloud shall adhere to the policy and carries out the best procedure to prevent data losses, including daily system routine to make backups of data, but shall not make any warranty that any losses of Data would not happen. Unzyp Cloud expressly waive the responsibility for any loss of Data for any reason whatsoever.

9. Representations and Warranties

  1. You warrant that, if you sign up to use the Application on behalf of other person, you have the authority to agree to these provisions on behalf of such person, and agree that by signing up to use the Unzyp Cloud Application, you obligate the said person you are acting on behalf of or with the intention to, make an action on behalf of them for every obligation that you have agreed upon to this T&C, without limiting your own obligation to the provisions.

  2. You acknowledge that:

    • You have the authority to use the Application and Application, and to access the information and Data you have entered to the Application, including any information or Data entered to the Application by anyone you have given authorization to use Unzyp Cloud Application.

      You also have the right to access the processed information and data, provided for you through your use of Application and our Application (even if such information and Data are belong to you or to any other person)

    • Unzyp Cloud shall have no responsibility to anyone but you, and there are no intention in this Agreement to provide benefits to anyone but you. If you use the Application or access the Application on behalf of or for the benefit of anyone but you (including any organization with or without legal entity, or any other organization), you agree that:

      • You are responsible to ensure that you have the right to do so;

      • You are responsible to provide the authority to anyone that you have provided access to the information or Data, and you agree that Unzyp Cloud has no responsibility to provide access to information or Data to anyone without your authorization, and may show you any request to obtain information to you in order to let you response to it;

      • You shall indemnify Unzyp Cloud from any claim or loss related to: Refusal of Unzyp Cloud to provide access to your information and Data to anyone in accordance with this Provision; Providing information or Data by Unzyp Cloud to anyone shall be based on your authorization.

    • Providing, access to, and use of Unzyp Cloud's Application shall be available as is and with your own risk

    • Unzyp Cloud shall not warrant that the use of Application will never be interrupted or free from errors. Among others, operation and availability of the system used for accessing the Menu, including public call menu, computer network and including, may be unpredictable and may be from time to time interrupts or prevents access to Menu. Unzyp Cloud shall not be hold responsible in any way for such interruption, or prevention of access to the use of Menu.

    • Unzyp Cloud is not your accountant, and use of Application shall not be interpreted as receiving accounting advice. If you have any questions about accounting, please contact an accountant.

    • It is your own responsibility to determine whether our Application meets the needs of your business and whether it is able to be used as intended.

    • You still have a responsibility to comply with the prevailing laws of accounting, taxation and any other laws.. It is your responsibility to check that the storage and access to your Data through the Application remains complying with the laws applicable to you (including any law that requires you to keep an archive).

  3. Unzyp Cloud shall not provide warranty for its Menu. Notwithstanding the provision above, Unzyp Cloud does not warrant that our Application will meet your needs, or whether it is suitable with the purposes you intended it for. For avoidance of doubt, all provisions or warrants that can be construed in any way shall be excluded as long as permissible by law, including (without limitation to) warranty of sales, suitability to purposes, and no violations.

  4. You represent and warrant that you are having the rights to access and use the Application for business purposes and that, until the maximum limit which is permissible by law, the consumer warranty under the law or any law intended to protect non-business consumer under any jurisdiction shall not be applicable for providing the Menu, Application or this T&C.

10. Limitation of Liability

  1. Until the maximum limit which is permissible by law, Unzyp Cloud waives all liability and responsibility to you (or any other person) in contracts, claims for failure (including negligence), or in any other legal proceedings, for any losses (including losses of information, Data, profits, and savings) or damage that are caused by, either directly or indirectly, for any use, or dependence to the Application.

  2. If you experience any loss or damage caused by negligence or failure of Unzyp Cloud to comply with this provision, any claim from you to Unzyp Cloud arising out of the negligence or failure by Unzyp Cloud shall be limited to one incident only, or several interconnected incidents, to the Access Fee that you have paid in full in the previous 12 months.

  3. If you are dissatisfied with the Menu, the exclusive and only way to solve yur dissatisfaction is to cancel this provision in accordance with the Article 8.

11. Contract Termination

  1. Trial Period Policy:

    At the first time you sign up and access the Menu, you can evaluate the Menu during the designated trial period, without any obligation to continue using the Menu. If you decides to continue using the Application after the trial period expires, you will be billed from the same day when you enter your information for your billing. If you decide to discontinue using the Menu, you can delete your organization.

  2. Unzyp Cloud does not provide any refund for the remaining prepaid period on the Access Fee for your subscription.

  3. This provision shall be applicable for the period covered by the amount of Access Fee that has been paid. At the end of billing cycle period, this Provision shall continue automatically for the following billing cycle period with the same period length, as long as you continue to pay the Access Fee that has been set out at the time it is due, unless one of the Party terminates this T&C with prior notification at least 30 days before the end of the said payment period.

  4. Violations

    • If you violate any of this provision (including, but not limited to, not paying any Access Fee) and does not settle any violation within 14 days after receiving a notification of such violation if the problems related to the violation;

    • If you violate any part of this provision and such violation cannot be remedied to pay the Access Fee that has been past the due date for more than 30 days;

    • If you or your business is bankrupt, or is undergoing the process to dissolve the organization, Unzyp Cloud can take one or all of the following course of action:

      • Terminating this Agreement and your use of our Application;

      • Postponing your access to the Unzyp Cloud Application for the indefinite period;

      • Postponing or terminating the access to all Data or any Data;

    • Termination of this T&C shall not reduce the rights and obligations of the Parties and the obligation of the parties that must be paid until the expiry of termination date. At the time of termination of this Agreement, you shall bear the remaining fees to be paid and the amount that has been due for payment before or after the termination, and shall stop using our Application immediately.

12. General Provisions

  1. This Terms and Conditions together with the Privacy Policy of Unzyp Cloud and provisions of a notification or instructions provided to you under this Terms and Conditions shall replace and succeeds all of the previous agreement, representation (either in verbal or in writing), and understanding, and is the entirety of the agreement between you and Unzyp Cloud that is related to the Application and any other matter that is discussed in this Provision.

  2. If one of the parties waive any claim from any violation of this T&C, it shall not absolve them from any other claims of violation. Waiver of claims shall not be effective unless made in writing.

  3. The parties shall not be responsible for any delay or failure to fulfill their obligations under this T&C if such delay or failure is caused by any causes beyond their control. This paragraph shall not be applicable to any payment of money obligation.

  4. You shall not be able to reassign or transfer the rights to any other person without written consent from Unzyp Cloud.

  5. If a dispute arise between the parties, it shall be attempted to be resolved through deliberations first. If such dispute cannot be resolved, the parties agree to resolve such dispute through legal proceedings by choosing the jurisdiction of Laws of the Republic of Indonesia at the South Jakarta District Court.

  6. Every notification sent under this T&C from one party to the other shall be made in writing through email and shall be deemed as sent after the transmission is carried out. Notification to Unzyp Cloud must be sent to the Unzyp Cloud support or to other e-mail address notified to you by Unzyp Cloud The notification to you will be sent to your email address that you provide when making your access on our Application.

  7. Subscription is a recurring payment that is paid in advance to consume the accounting application service provided by Unzyp Cloud. After the subscription is purchased, you can cancel at any time without additional fees excluding for those that have been paid. Cancellation requires at most 31 days before it is effective.

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